Use this form to:
- Declare your major (if you are currently undeclared)
- Change your major/concentration (if you have earned less than 90 units).
If you have senior standing (earned 90 or more units) see the Major Change for Seniors.
If you want to add a second major or concentration, see the Second Major/Concentration Request.
This form uses Adobe Sign for approval signatures. For step by step instructions with screenshots see Using Adobe Sign
Before you begin:
Gather Humboldt username emails for everyone who needs to sign your form. You will be asked to enter these emails before filling out the form.
For this form you will need username emails for:
- Yourself,
- the chair of the department that offers the new major, and
- the administrative support staff of the department that offers the new major.
You must enter each email in the correct field to ensure your form routes correctly.
For step by step instructions with screenshots see Using Adobe Sign