Major Change Request (for Students with Senior Standing)

Office of the Registrar

Go to form (Adobe Sign)

Use this form if you have senior status (earned 90 units or more) and wish to change your major. Do not include your in-progress units.

A PDF version of the form is available for students who are unable to use Adobe Sign or would like to view the form before beginning the Adobe Sign process.

Routing Instructions: 

This form uses Adobe Sign to route and obtain approval signatures.

Before you begin

Step 1: Create a “what-if” plan for the proposed major*. This will allow you to see how the courses you have already taken will count toward the new major. Make a copy of the “what if” plan. (You will need to attach the copy to the Adobe form.)

*Watch the Manage & Maintain Your Plan video to learn how to create a “what-if” plan in DARS Degree Planner.

Step 2: Discuss your decision to change majors with your current major advisor. Your advisor will need to estimate the number of units needed for you to complete your degree.

Step 3: Contact the Department Chair for the proposed new major. The Department Chair will need to estimate the number of units you will need to complete your degree with the new major.

Step 4: Gather username emails (e.g., abc123 for everyone who needs to sign your form. You will be asked to enter these emails before filling out the form. For this form you will need username emails for:

  • yourself,
  • your advisor,
  • the chair of the department that offers the new major,
  • the college associate dean, and
  • the administrative support staff of the department that offers the new major.

You must enter each email in the correct field to ensure your form routes correctly.

See Instructions for using Adobe Sign (for Students)
