Category: MPP
Form Number Title/Detailssort descending Department Direct Link
Business Card Order Form Marketing and Communications

CSC Campus Change Report 2010-2011 Change Steering Committee PDF icon 2010-2011_csc_report_3.pdf

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) PDF icon eap_0.pdf

Enrollment Management Request to Travel Enrollment Management PDF icon enrollment_management_request_to_travel_01.24.20.pdf

Fee Waiver - Fees Waived (Dependent) Human Resources PDF icon fees_waived_-_dependent_0.pdf

Fee Waiver - Fees Waived (Employee) Human Resources PDF icon fees_waived_-_employee_0.pdf

Fee Waiver Application-Dependent Human Resources

Fee Waiver Application-Self Human Resources

107 Form 107: Application for Leave of Absence Human Resources

Form 109 Report of Separation Approval Guide PDF icon form_109_report_of_separation_approval_guide.pdf

Form 109 Report of Separation Form Submission Guide PDF icon form_109_report_of_separation_form_submission_guide.pdf

700 Form 700 - Form Only Human Resources PDF icon form_700.pdf

700 Form 700 - Full Document Human Resources PDF icon form_700_full.pdf

HSU Authorization for Business-Related Wireless Device Financial Services Office spreadsheet icon hsu_auth_for_wireless_device_form.xls

HSU Authorization to Release Medical Records PDF icon authorization_to_release_medical_records.pdf

HSU Background Check Packages Human Resources PDF icon hsu_background_check_packages_march2017update.pdf

HSU Green and Gold Calendar for 2010-2011 PDF icon hsu_greenandgoldcalendar_2010-2011.pdf

HSU Green and Gold Calendar for 2011-2012 PDF icon greenandgoldcalendar_2011-2012.pdf

HSU Green and Gold Calendar for 2012-2013 Payroll Department PDF icon greenandgoldcalendar_2012-2013.pdf

HSU Guidelines for Evaluating Impairments PDF icon guidelines_for_evaluating_impairments.pdf

HSU Job Duty Evaluation Checklist PDF icon job_duty_evaluation_checklist.pdf

HSU Letterhead Template (MS Word) Marketing and Communications

HSU Overview of Reasonable Accommodation PDF icon overview_of_reasonable_accommodation.pdf

HSU Wireless Device Reimbursement Rates Financial Services PDF icon hsu_wireless_reimbursements.pdf

Involuntary Separation Checklist Information Technology Services File involuntaryseparationchecklist.docx

Job Submission Form Marketing and Communications

Management Evaluation Form - HSU SPF Staff Sponsored Programs Foundation PDF icon spf_management_performance_evaluation.pdf

Management Personnel Plan Performance Evaluation (MPP) - Management Personnel Plan Performance Evaluation

Manager's Digital Resources Checklist for Separating Employees Information Technology Services PDF icon managers_digital_resources_checklist_for_separating_employees.pdf

MPP Justification Form File mpp_justification_form1.docx

MPP Outside Employment Disclosure Form (HR 2016-06 & Attachment A) PDF icon hr_2016-06_and_attachment_a_-_mpp_outside_employment_disclosure_form.pdf

New Employee Sign-Up Chain of Custody Agreement Human Resources PDF icon newemployeesign-upchainofcustody.pdf

Payment Request Form Financial Services

PHOIRE Template Office of the President File the_hsu_phoire_form_4-14-17.xlsx

Please Delete

Portal Change Request Form Information Technology Services PDF icon template_portal_change_request_form.pdf

SPF Accomodation Request Form Sponsored Programs Foundation PDF icon spf_accommodation_request_form.pdf

SPF Authorization to Release Medical Records Sponsored Programs Foundation PDF icon authorization_to_release_medical_records.pdf

SPF Guidelines for Evaluating Impairments Sponsored Programs Foundation PDF icon guidelines_for_evaluating_impairments.pdf

SPF Job Duty Evaluation Checklist Sponsored Programs Foundation PDF icon spfjob_duty_evaluation_checklist.pdf

SPF Overview of the Reasonable Accomodation Process Sponsored Programs Foundation PDF icon spfoverview_of_reasonable_accommodation.pdf

SPF Trust Fund Agreement Form Sponsored Programs Foundation

State Travel Card Application Financial Services

APS Strategic Advertising & Recruitment Plan Strategic Advertising & Recruitment Plan Academic Personnel Services PDF icon strategicadvertisingrecruitmentplan_revised_5.12.2023.pdf

Unit 4 - APC (Academic Professionals of California) - Annual Employee Evaluation