Office of the Registrar
A list of students who are eligible for honors recognition, based on grades at the end of the previous semester is sent to the Bookstore. Students on the honors list do not need to petition to purchase an honors cord.
Students may use this petition if they expect to be within reach of earning honors* once grades for the current semester are taken into consideration. If approved, a student may purchase an honors cord at the Humboldt Bookstore for recognition at commencement.
Before you begin the form
- Go to Student Center.
- Save a copy of your class schedule (to be attached to the form)
To qualify for honors, both the overall grade point average (GPA) and the Cal Poly Humboldt GPA must be 3.50 or above. Official posting and awarding of honors is determined by, and dependent upon final grades and GPA.
Routing Instructions:
This form uses Adobe Sign for routing and approval signatures. See Instructions for using Adobe Sign.
You will need to gather Humboldt username emails (e.g., for:
- Yourself (student)
- Each Instructor (Letter graded courses only)