High School Concurrent Enrollment Form - fillable PDF

Extended Education
Routing Instructions: 

After obtaining appropriate signatures, take the form to the College of Extended Education & Global Engagement to pay fees. Make sure the following is complete before submitting the registration form: * A current and legible email address * Your legible Social Security Number, which is necessary to process your registration form; an Humboldt ID number is generated from this information. [Returning HSCP students may list their Humboldt ID number in lieu of their SSN.] * Approval of high school principal indicated by her/his signature for each of the course(s) requested by signing in the appropriate box(es). * Obtaining the proper signatures of the Humboldt instructor and academic department of the course(s) selected. The completed HSCP Registration form must be submitted to the College of Extended Education & Global Engagement, second floor of the Student Business Services Building (Harpst Street) no later than Friday of the second week of classes for the term in which the student wishes to enroll. Fees for classes must be paid at the time of registration.
