
February 13, 2017
Humboldt State University Sponsored Programs Foundation (HSU SPF) encourages campus personnel to engage in a variety of scholarly and creative activities, including those leading to external funding or income from public agencies, private entities and individuals, and entrepreneurial ventures.
February 13, 2017

The intention of the policy set forth below is to establish a uniform policy which covers state and federal laws and regulations currently in place and those anticipated and to provide the public with accountability in the institution's dealings with external organizations.

February 13, 2017

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February 13, 2017

This is the current SPF Board of Directors Officer roster for academic year 2015/2016.

February 13, 2017
February 13, 2017

In accordance with Sponsored Programs Foundation policy on Conflict of Interest, the Principal Investigator and all other investigators must disclose their personal significant financial interests (and those of their spouse/registered domestic partner and/or dependent children) related to their institutional responsibilities.

February 13, 2017

These are the current SPF Board of Directors Standing Committees for academic year 2015/2016.