Form 900 - Notification of Intent to Enter Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP)

Academic Personnel Services
Form Number: 
APS Form 900

Tenured Faculty Unit employees who are of normal retirement age (consistent with CalPERS rules and pursuant to the California Code of Regulations (CCR) ยง586.1) are eligible to participate in the program.

Service retirement shall begin concurrently with or prior to the beginning of the academic year.

FERP appointments are effective at the beginning of the academic year (e.g., if you retire at the end of fall semester, your FERP appointment will begin during the subsequent academic year).

FERP participation is limited to no more than five (5) years.

Routing Instructions: 

Eligible Faculty Unit employees should submit a request to participate in the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP)at least 6 months, but no more than 1 academic year, prior to the beginning of the academic year in which they wish to begin FERP.
