This form is used to request customizations to the PeopleSoft applications.
The originator meets with the appropriate CMS User Group or project team to determine whether the modification is required.
A. ITS Project Manager/Director Review – The request will be reviewed with the Project Manager to obtain the following:
1. Necessity and impact of the change on overall project timeline and resource load.
2. Determine if the change request should be made from a functional and technical perspective.
3. Details pertinent for inclusion in the project Modification Tracker log. This is used to monitor the state of all pending modifications from creation to functional/technical documentation through build and test.
B. Modification Request & Design Form - Once the originator completes Section One of this form, the originator with the Project Manager submits the document to the Modification Governance Committee for review and a decision to move forward with the change or with a suggested alternative.
1. An alternate design form titled the “Humboldt Portal Modification Request Design Form.docx” and located at \\its-elm\psofthr\70_Portal\modifications is used for requesting modifications to the Humboldt PeopleSoft Portal.
C. Modification Governance Committee – The modifications will be subject to the review and approval by this committee, considering cost / benefit of modification, long-term impact and maintenance and impact on any project timelines.
1. The core membership of the Modification Governance Committee is comprised of the following: ITS Project Director (chair), Chief Information Officer, AVP/Financial Services and the AVP of Enrollment Management. Additional invitees will be key stakeholders such as functional and technical leads appropriate to the modifications being proposed.
2. Modification requests to the Humboldt Portal will be subject to review by the myHumboldt Steering Committee.
3. Meeting frequency will be dependent on need. Email will be used as possible to facilitate the review process.
D. Approval - Based on recommendations from the appropriate Modification Governance Committee. Results of the decision will be communicated back to the originator and a technical resource will be assigned to the change and documented in Section Two of the appropriate Modification Request & Design Form.
E. Modification Request & Design Form - Once the change is approved the originator works with the assigned technical resource to complete the Sections Three: Design Specification and Four: Technical Impact Analysis of this form. Development can proceed when once these sections have been completed.
F. For changes to CMS baseline, once the change is approved, the originator and the technical resource need to complete a COMR Impact Analysis form. This form is required by CSU CMS regardless of the size and scope of the change, and determines if a COMR Exception request is required. These two COMR forms, including the COMR Migration Request form and the CSU CMS approval requirements are described in the next section.
1. Functional and Technical representatives complete Overview and Section 1 2. Submit to the CMS Project Office