
February 3, 2017

In April 2010, the CSC convened a meeting with campus leadership: the President, Provost, Vice Presidents; Academic Senate President; Associated Students President; and Staff Council representatives. Those convened prioritized a handful of key Cabinet recommendations for action in the 2010-2011 academic year. These priorities are summarized in Section I, below.

February 3, 2017

Log form for visitors to Humboldt Data Center, Core Distribution Rooms, and Telecommunications Spaces.

February 3, 2017

Agreement to accept responsibility for access to the Humboldt Data Center, Core Distribution Rooms, and Telecommunications Spaces.

February 3, 2017

Authorization form for access to Humboldt Data Center, Core Distribution Rooms, and Telecommunications Spaces.

February 3, 2017

Uses Avery Address Labels Laser #5160

February 3, 2017

Career Development Plans use an online submission process which provides the opportunity to sign, gain signatures and submit electronically. Please see Sample Career Development Plan at: https://hraps.humboldt.edu/sites/default/files/docs/sample20career20deve....

February 3, 2017