February 10, 2017
Because we do business with the government, we must reach out to, hire, and provide equal opportunity to qualified people with disabilities. To help us measure how well we are doing, we are asking you to tell us if you have a disability or if you ever had a disability. Completing this form is voluntary, but we hope that you will choose to fill it out. If you are applying for a job, any answer you give will be kept private and will not be used against you in any way.
February 10, 2017
Sponsored Programs Foundation Job Vacancy EEO Disposition Form:
February 10, 2017
This must be completed and signed by applicants when specified in the job announcement. This PDF file must be opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Right-click, select 'Save As,' save to a convenient location (your desktop will be fine) and open using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
This PDF will not work correctly in many web browsers' built-in PDF reader option.
February 7, 2017
Use for temporary Counselor new appointments, revisions, or re-appointments.
February 3, 2017
Use only when an Humboldt application is not required.