ISA Work Study Student Header |
Payroll |
isa_work_study_header.pdf |
425 Work Study |
Payroll |
425_-_work_study_header.pdf |
Student Header |
Payroll |
student_header.pdf |
Work Study Student Header |
Payroll |
work_study_student_header.pdf |
Overtime and Callback Hours Report - Instructions |
Payroll |
https://payroll.humboldt.edu/sites/default/files/adobe_workflow_instructions_... |
Notice of Work Schedule Change |
Payroll |
hsu_workscheduleform_v2.pdf |
Intermittent Hourly & Shift Pay - Covid19 |
Payroll |
covid_19_intermittent_hourly.xls |
Shift Pay Unit 2,5,7 & 9 |
Payroll |
covid19_shift_pay_unit_2579.xls |
Shift Pay Unit 6 |
Payroll |
covid19_shift_pay_unit_6.xls |
Emergency Pay Unit 6 |
Payroll |
emergency_pay_unit_6.xls |
Student Assistant - Covid19 |
Payroll |
covid19_bridge_student.xlsx |
Regular & Off Campus Work Study - Covid19 |
Payroll |
covid19_regular_off_campus_work_study.xlsx |
COVID19 Summer Bridge Student Workbook |
Payroll |
covid19_bridge_student.xlsx |
Intermittent Hourly Timesheet |
Payroll |
https://hum.link/IH-Timesheet |
ISA Timesheet |
Payroll |
isa_timesheet.xlsx |
ISA Work Study Timesheet |
Payroll |
https://hum.link/ISA-WS-Timesheet |
Student Assistant Timesheet |
Payroll |
https://hum.link/sa-timesheet |
Federal Work Study Student Assistant Timesheet |
Payroll |
https://hum.link/WS-Timesheet |
Auxiliary/Off Campus Federal Work Study Student Assistant Timesheet |
Payroll |
auxillary_off_campus_work_study_student_assistant_timesheet.xlsx |
Casual Worker Time Voucher |
Payroll |
pr-64.pdf |
Intermittent Hourly Header |
Payroll |
int_hourly_header.pdf |
ISA Header |
Payroll |
isa_header.pdf |
PR 11 |
Evening and Night Shift Differential Time Voucher |
Payroll |
pr-11_0.pdf |
PR 19 |
Student Assistant Time Voucher |
Payroll |
http://www2.humboldt.edu/payroll/node/57 |
PR 20 |
PR 20 - Federal College Work Study Time Voucher |
Payroll |
http://www2.humboldt.edu/payroll/node/57 |
PR 32 |
Overtime and Callback Hours Report |
Payroll |
https://hum.link/Overtime-Form |
PR 42 |
Substitute Faculty Time Voucher |
Payroll |
pr-42.pdf |
PR 43 |
Special Consultant Time Voucher |
Payroll |
https://hum.link/SC-2024-Timesheet |
PR 54 |
Absence Excess Hours Holiday Worked |
Payroll |
pr-54.pdf |
PR 55 |
Informal Leave Without Pay |
Payroll |
pr_55.pdf |
PR 8 |
Intermittent Hourly Time Voucher |
Payroll |
pr8.pdf |
PR 8a |
Instructional Student Assistant Work Study Time Voucher |
Payroll |
http://www2.humboldt.edu/payroll/node/57 |
PR 8b |
Instructional Student Assistant Time Voucher |
Payroll |
http://www2.humboldt.edu/payroll/node/57 |
STD 436 |
Payroll |
empinfo_howto_std436.pdf |