Form is for all HMCMP employees of the Division of Enrollment Management. Complete this form prior to booking travel. Attach to your Concur travel request after your manager & appropriate administrator (member of EM Lead Team) sign. This form is optional. Check with your manager.
To request approval of an exception for theater or ceremonial purposes, complete the Smoking Approval Request and submit it to the Director of Risk Management and Safety Services.
To request approval of an exception for the Institutional Review Board, contact
The following are exceptions to Executive Order 1108:
If you have any questions pertaining to the information found in this document you can contact Susan Brater at 707-826-5165 or email
We recognize that there are situations when a department will need to assist a new employee (e.g. Student Assistant or Special Consultant) with their sign-up documents. When a department commits to this responsibility, the designated person or persons commits to the proper handling of sensitive data.
Statement of Economic Interests
The Political Reform Act (Gov. Code Sections 81000- 91014) requires most state and local government of cials and employees to publicly disclose their personal assets and income.