The purpose of this policy is to assist SPF management in identifying those individuals who are eligible to serve as Principal Investigators (PIs), Co-Principal Investigators (Co-PI’s), and Project Directors (PDs) for projects managed by SPF.
This form is to be used in Post-Award for any major modifications to existing awards. For example, if you are requesting a significant change in the scope of work, a change in key personnel such as the Principal Investigator, or need to transfer an award to another institution, your Post-Award Grant Analyst will initiate this form through DocuSign.
The Sponsored Programs Foundation is pleased to request nominations for the McCrone Promising Faculty Scholars Award for Humboldt faculty members. This award will recognize Humboldt’s newer faculty, acknowledge their potential, and encourage their continued achievement.
The Indirect Rate Policy sets approved rates for Indirect Cost revenue and provided a process for negotiation when the Principal Investigator intends to use less than the funder published maximum allowed rate.
If your grant will be funding international travel, this attachment can give you important information regarding your options for liability and accident insurance.
The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA or Transparency Act - P.L.109-282, as amended by section 6202(a) of P.L. 110-252) requires the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to maintain a single, searchable website that contains information on all Federal spending awards.
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