This form can be completed in place of submitting an original receipt for reimbursement. It certifies that you incurred the listed amount in authorized expenses for Sponsored Programs Foundation and the original receipts were lost, as well as that these expenses have not been reimbursed by any other party.
SPF is committed to reasonably protecting all people who are employees, students, volunteers and guests. SPF will conduct background checks of all paid individuals and volunteers who voluntarily transfer or are hired into sensitive positions.
One of the provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires employers to distribute the attached notice to all employees. This notice informs employees of the availability for health insurance coverage through the Covered California marketplace. Covered California is targeted to individuals that are not eligible or do not have access to health insurance benefits.
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If your grant will be funding international travel, this attachment can give you important information regarding your options for liability and accident insurance.
Employees of Sponsored Programs Foundation (SPF) are eligible to contribute to a voluntary tax-sheltered annuity plan. The voluntary tax sheltered annuity 403(b) program allows SPF employees to save toward retirement by investing pre-tax contributions in tax-deferred investments in either annuities or mutual funds, under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 403(b).