
February 14, 2017

Institutional Routing Form: Appendix A This form must be completed if you are requesting release time for a faculty member as part of a grant. You are only required to complete the gray are on the left side of the form. Once release time takes place your Grant Analyst will complete the right half at a later date.

February 14, 2017
February 14, 2017
February 14, 2017

This form is used to create a purchase order with SPF. You must first find the desired product and obtain a quote.

February 14, 2017
At the end of last year, the “Healthy Workplace Healthy Family Act of 2014 (AB 1522)” was passed in California. The purpose of this bill was to guarantee every California worker is paid time off to recover from illness, care for a sick family member, or bond with a new baby. In accordance with California state law AB 1522, sick leave with pay will now be granted to all Categories of HSU SPF Employees. Sick leave varies based on your appointed Category as described below:
February 14, 2017

This form can be completed in place of submitting an original receipt for reimbursement. It certifies that you incurred the listed amount in authorized expenses for Sponsored Programs Foundation and the original receipts were lost, as well as that these expenses have not been reimbursed by any other party.

February 14, 2017

SPF is committed to reasonably protecting all people who are employees, students, volunteers and guests. SPF will conduct background checks of all paid individuals and volunteers who voluntarily transfer or are hired into sensitive positions.