
February 14, 2017
February 14, 2017
February 14, 2017

Title III and V Eligible Institution: Waiver of the Non-Federal Share Matching Requirements

February 14, 2017

Institutional Routing Form: Appendix A This form must be completed if you are requesting release time for a faculty member as part of a grant. You are only required to complete the gray are on the left side of the form. Once release time takes place your Grant Analyst will complete the right half at a later date.

February 14, 2017
February 14, 2017
February 14, 2017

After having a conversation with your Chair and Dean, the following is a step-by-step timeline you should initiate at a minimum one month preceding the proposal due date. The earlier you start the process, the better for all!

February 14, 2017

The purpose of this policy is to assist SPF management in identifying those individuals who are eligible to serve as Principal Investigators (PIs), Co-Principal Investigators (Co-PI’s), and Project Directors (PDs) for projects managed by SPF.